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Ceballos, Nora Raquel
"Overcrowding-mediated stress alters cell proliferation in key neuroendocrine areas during larval development in Rhinella arenarum" (2016) Distler, M.J.;Jungblut, L.D.;Ceballos, N.R. (...)Pozzi, A.G. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology. 325(2):149-157
"Apoptosis, proliferation and presence of estradiol receptors in the testes and Bidder's organ of the toad Rhinella arenarum (Amphibia, Anura)" (2016) Scaia, M.F.; Czuchlej, S.C.; Cervino, N.; Ceballos, N.R. Journal of Morphology. 277(4):412-423