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Vujovich, Graciela Irene
"Physical conditions for the formation of gabbros and migmatites derived from mafic rocks in the center of Sierra de Valle Fértil, San Juan " (2009) Tibaldi, A.M.;Otamendi, J.E.;Cristofolini, E.A. (...)Martino, R.D. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 65(3):487-503
"Geophysical evidence for an extensive Pie de Palo Complex mafic-ultramafic belt, San Juan, Argentina" (2009) Chernicoff, C.J.; Vujovich, G.I.; van Staal, C.R. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 28(4):325-332
"Geology and petrology of a deep crustal zone from the Famatinian paleo-arc, Sierras de Valle Fértil and La Huerta, San Juan, Argentina" (2009) Otamendi, J.E.;Vujovich, G.I.;de la Rosa, J.D. (...)Pinotti, L.P. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 27(4):258-279