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Vittori, Daniela Cecilia
"Signaling pathways of cell proliferation are involved in the differential effect of erythropoietin and its carbamylated derivative" (2013) Chamorro, M.E.;Wenker, S.D.;Vota, D.M. (...)Nesse, A.B. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research. 1833(8):1960-1968
"Protective action of erythropoietin on neuronal damage induced by activated microglia" (2013) Wenker, S.D.; Chamorro, M.E.; Vittori, D.C.; Nesse, A.B. FEBS Journal. 280(7):1630-1642
"Differential Erythropoietin Action upon Cells Induced to Eryptosis by Different Agents" (2013) Vota, D.M.;Maltaneri, R.E.;Wenker, S.D. (...)Vittori, D.C. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics. 65(2):145-157