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Braberman, Víctor Adrián
"Zeus: A distributed timed model-checker based on Kronos" (2002) Braberman, V.; Olivero, A.; Schapachnik, F. PDMC 2002, Parallel and Distributed Model Checking (Satellite Workshop of CONCUR 2002). 68(4):503-522
"On improving backwards verification of timed automata (extended abstract)" (2002) Braberman, V.; López Pombo, C.; Olivero, A. Theory and Practice of Timed Systems (Satellite Event of ETAPS 2002). 65(6):60-67
"Improving the verification of timed systems using influence information" (2002) Braberman, V.; Garbervetsky, D.; Olivero, A. 8th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2002, Proceedings. 2280 LNCS:21-36
"Extending timed automata for compositional modeling healthy timed systems" (2002) Braberman, V.; Olivero, A. QAPL'01, Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages (Satellite Event of PLI 2001). 52(3):227-245