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Bonomo, Flavia
"On the Minimum Sum Coloring of P 4-Sparse Graphs" (2012) Bonomo, F.; Valencia-Pabon, M. Graphs and Combinatorics:1-12
"Minimum weighted clique cover on strip-composed perfect graphs" (2012) Bonomo, F.; Oriolo, G.; Snels, C. 38th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, WG 2012. 7551 LNCS:22-33
"An application of the traveling tournament problem: the argentine volleyball league" (2012) Bonomo, F.;Cardemil, A.;Durán, G. (...)Sabán, D. Interfaces. 42(3):245-259
"A polyhedral study of the maximum edge subgraph problem" (2012) Bonomo, F.; Marenco, J.; Saban, D.; Stier-Moses, N.E. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 160(18):2573-2590
"A method for optimizing waste collection using mathematical programming: A Buenos Aires case study" (2012) Bonomo, F.; Durán, G.; Larumbe, F.; Marenco, J. Waste Management and Research. 30(3):311-324