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Boltovskoy, Demetrio
"Temperature-dependent rates of larval development in Limnoperna fortunei (bivalvia: mytilidae)" (2005) Cataldo, D.; Boltovskoy, D.; Hermosa, J.L.; Canzi, C. Journal of Molluscan Studies. 71(1):41-46
"Radiolarians in the geological record" (2005) Afanasieva, M.S.; Amon, E.O.; Agarkov, Yu.V.; Boltovskoy, D.S. Paleontological Journal. 39(SUPPL 3):S135-S392
"Filtration rates of the invasive pest bivalve Limnoperna fortunei as a function of Size and Temperature" (2005) Sylvester, F.;Dorado, J.;Boltovskoy, D. (...)Cataldo, D. Hydrobiologia. 534(1-3):71-80
"Diversity and endemism in cold waters of the South Atlantic: Contrasting patterns in the plankton and the benthos" (2005) Boltovskoy, D.; Correa, N.; Boltovskoy, A. Scientia Marina. 69(SUPPL 2):17-26