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Boechi, Leonardo
"Unraveling the molecular basis for ligand binding in truncated hemoglobins: The trHbO Bacillus subtilis case" (2010) Boechi, L.;Mañez, P.A.;Javier Luque, F. (...)Estrin, D.A. Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. 78(4):962-970
"Role of heme distortion on oxygen affinity in heme proteins: The protoglobin case" (2010) Bikiel, D.E.;Forti, F.;Boechi, L. (...)Estrin, D.A. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 114(25):8536-8543
"High protein structural flexibility of a truncated hemoglobin from an antarctic cold-adapted bacterium" (2010) Howes, B.D.;Giordano, D.;Boechi, L. (...)Smulevich, G. 22nd International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, ICORS 2010. 1267:29-30