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Bochicchio, Roberto Carlos
"Topology of the electron density in open-shell systems" (2010) Lobayan, R.M.;Alcoba, D.R.;Bochicchio, R.C. (...)Lain, L. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 114(2):1200-1206
"Relationships between cumulant and Spin-Density Matrices: Application to the decomposition of Spin" (2010) Torre, A.; Alcoba, D.R.; Lain, L.; Bochicchio, R.C. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 114(6):2344-2349
"On the measure of electron correlation and entanglement in quantum chemistry based on the cumulant of the second-order reduced density matrix" (2010) Alcoba, D.R.; Bochicchio, R.C.; Lain, L.; Torre, A. Journal of Chemical Physics. 133(14)