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Bochicchio, Roberto Carlos
"Self-energy operator and self-energy fields in many-body systems: Liouvillian approach" (2002) Bochicchio, R.C.; Grinberg, H. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 90(1):148-154
"On the nature of C-Li bonding in lithiated hydrocarbons and lithiocarbons" (2002) Ponec, R.;Roithová, J.;Gironés, X. (...)Bochicchio, R. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 106(6):1019-1025
"On the definition of the spin-free cumulant of the second-order reduced density matrix" (2002) Lain, L.; Torre, A.; Bochicchio, R. Journal of Chemical Physics. 117(11):5497-5498