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Rial, Diego Fernando
"Some Mathematical Properties of Gauge Transformations with Respect to the Coulomb Gauge: Variational Analysis of an Energy Functional" (2000) Béccar Varela, M.P.;Caputo, M.C.;Ferraro, M.B. (...)Rial, D. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 77(3):599-606
"Solutions of H-systems using the Green function" (2000) Amster, P.; Mariani, M.C.; Rial, D.F. Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin. 7(4):487-492
"Existence and uniqueness of H-system's solutions with Dirichlet conditions" (2000) Amster, P.; Mariani, M.C.; Rial, D.F. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 42(4):673-677