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Pagola, Gabriel Ignacio
"Qualitative study of substituent effects on NMR15N and 17O chemical shifts" (2009) Contreras, R.H.;Llórente, T.;Pagola, G.I. (...)Tormena, C.F. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 113(36):9874-9880
"Can induced orbital paramagnetism be controlled by strong magnetic fields?" (2009) Pagola, G.I.; Ferraro, M.B.; Lazzeretti, P. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 5(11):3049-3059
"Calculation of hypershielding contribution to isotropic nitrogen shielding in strong magnetic fields" (2009) Boyd, J.;Pagola, G.I.;Caputo, M.C. (...)Lazzeretti, P. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 5(5):1343-1349