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Núñez, Josué Antonio
"Trophallaxis in Apis mellifera: Effects of sugar concentration and crop load on food distribution" (1995) Farina, W.M.; Núñez, J.A. Journal of Apicultural Research. 34(2):93-96
"Colour preferences of flower-naive honeybees" (1995) Giurfa, M.; Núñez, J.; Chittka, L.; Menzel, R. Journal of Comparative Physiology A. 177(3):247-259
"Baker's yeast, an attractant for baiting traps for Chagas' disease vectors" (1995) Guerenstein, P.G.; Lorenzo, M.G.; Núñez, J.A.; Lazzari, C.R. Experientia. 51(8):834-837