Lista de

Martínez, Javier F.
"Ultrafast X-ray introspective imaging of metallic objects using a Plasma Focus" (2001) Moreno, C.H.;Clausse, A.;Martínez, J.F. (...)Tartaglione, A. Nukleonika. 46(SUPPL1):S33-S34
"Three-channel X-ray detection head for diagnostics of plasma in noisy environment" (2001) Ryc, L.;Kaczmarczyk, J.;Martinez, J.F. (...)Słysz, W. Nukleonika. 46(SUPPL1):S95-S97
"Cinematic of the current sheet in a pulsed coaxial plasma source operated with uniform gas filling" (2001) Bruzzone, H.; Martínez, J.F. Plasma Sources Science and Technology. 10(3):471-477