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Martí, Marcelo Adrián
"Oxygen affinity controlled by dynamical distal conformations: The soybean leghemoglobin and the Paramecium caudatum hemoglobin cases" (2007) Martí, M.A.;Capece, L.;Bikiel, D.E. (...)Estrin, D.A. Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics. 68(2):480-487
"Dynamical regulation of ligand migration by a gate-opening molecular switch in truncated hemoglobin-N from Mycobacterium tuberculosis" (2007) Bidon-Chanal, A.; Martí, M.A.; Estrin, D.A.; Luque, F.J. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 129(21):6782-6788
"Characterization of the galectin-1 carbohydrate recognition domain in terms of solvent occupancy" (2007) Lella, S.D.;Martí, M.A.;Álvarez, R.M.S. (...)Díaz Ricci, J.C. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 111(25):7360-7366