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Marquez, Adriana B.
"Study of a pseudo-empirical model approach to characterize plasma actuators" (2011) Bermudez, M.M.;Sosa, R.;Grondona, D. (...)Artana, G. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 296(1)
"Some applications of liquid crystal panels in diffractive optics" (2011) Márquez, A.;Lizana, Á.;Moreno, I. (...)Yzuel, M.J. International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics. 8001
"Photocatalytic activity of TiO2 thin films deposited by cathodic arc" (2011) Kleiman, A.;Márquez, A.;Vera, M.L. (...)Litter, M.I. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 101(3-4):676-681
"Enhancement of a PALCoS display efficiency by reducing the influence of different non-desired phenomena" (2011) Lizana, Á.;Lobato, L.;Márquez, A. (...)Campos, J. 22nd Congress of the International Commission for Optics: Light for the Development of the World. 8011
"Characterization of the anamorphic and spatial frequency dependent phenomenon in liquid crystal on silicon displays" (2011) Lobato, L.;Lizana, A.;Marquez, A. (...)Yzuel, M.J. Journal of the European Optical Society. 6:49