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Muchnik de Lederkremer, Rosa María
"Ultrastructural and chemical studies on seeds of Bulnesia schickendantzii and Bulnesia bonariensis" (1998) Maldonado, S.;Lima, C.;Etchart, M. (...)De Lederkremer, R.M. Acta Botanica Neerlandica. 47(3):285-297
"Structure of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchor of the trans-sialidase from Trypanosoma cruzi metacyclic trypomastigote forms" (1998) Agusti, R.;Couto, A.S.;Campetella, O. (...)De Lederkremer, R.M. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 97(1-2):123-131
"Effect of fasting on the composition of the fat body lipid of dipetalogaster maximus, triatoma infestans and Panstrongylus megistus (Hemiptera: Reduviidae)" (1998) Canavoso, L.E.; Bertello, L.E.; De Lederkremer, R.M.; Rubiolo, E.R. Journal of Comparative Physiology - B Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology. 168(7):549-554