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Moreno, Cesar Hugo
"Hard x-ray source for flash radiography based on a 2.5 kJ plasma focus" (2007) Di Lorenzo, F.;Raspa, V.;Knoblauch, P. (...)Clausse, A. Journal of Applied Physics. 102(3)
"Effective hard x-ray spectrum of a tabletop Mather-type plasma focus optimized for flash radiography of metallic objects" (2007) Raspa, V.; Moreno, C.; Sigaut, L.; Clausse, A. Journal of Applied Physics. 102(12)
"Compact repetitive plasma focus as a powerful source for hard-x-ray and neutron scanning" (2007) Di Lorenzo, F.J.;Lazarte, A.I.;Vieytes, R.E. (...)Moreno, C.H. 2005 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, PPC:1372-1375