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Mandrini, Cristina Hemilse
"Twisted Flux Tube Emergence Evidenced in Longitudinal Magnetograms: Magnetic Tongues" (2011) Luoni, M.L.; Démoulin, P.; Mandrini, C.H.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L. Solar Physics. 270(1):45-74
"The Global Context of Solar Activity During the Whole Heliosphere Interval Campaign" (2011) Webb, D.F.;Cremades, H.;Sterling, A.C. (...)Plunkett, S.P. Solar Physics. 274(1-2):57-86
"Origin of the Submillimeter Radio Emission During the Time-Extended Phase of a Solar Flare" (2011) Trottet, G.;Raulin, J.-P.;Giménez de Castro, G. (...)Kaufmann, P. Solar Physics. 273(2):339-361
"Filament interaction modeled by flux rope reconnection" (2011) Török, T.;Chandra, R.;Pariat, E. (...)Mandrini, C.H. Astrophysical Journal. 728(1)
"Evolution of a very complex active region during the decay phase of Cycle 23" (2011) Poisson, M.;Fuentes, M.L.;Mandrini, C.H. (...)Pariat, E. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 7(S286):246-249
"Dynamical evolution of a magnetic cloud from the Sun to 5.4 AU" (2011) Nakwacki, M.S.;Dasso, S.;Démoulin, P. (...)Gulisano, A.M. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 535
"Coronal transients during two solar minima: Their source regions and interplanetary counterparts" (2011) Cremades, H.; Mandrini, C.H.; Dasso, S. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 7(S286):149-153
"Coronal Transient Events During Two Solar Minima: Their Solar Source Regions and Interplanetary Counterparts" (2011) Cremades, H.; Mandrini, C.H.; Dasso, S. Solar Physics. 274(1-2):233-249
"Actors of the main activity in large complex centres during the 23 solar cycle maximum" (2011) Schmieder, B.;Démoulin, P.;Pariat, E. (...)Srivastava, N. Advances in Space Research. 47(12):2081-2091