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Mendez De Leo, Lucila Paula
"Some evidence for the formation of an azo bond during the electroreduction of diazonium salts on Au substrates" (2012) Ricci, A.M.; Méndez De Leo, L.P.; Williams, F.J.; Calvo, E.J. ChemPhysChem. 13(8):2119-2127
"Self-assembly of thiolated cyanine aggregates on Au(111) and Au nanoparticle surfaces" (2012) Menéndez, G.O.;Cortés, E.;Grumelli, D. (...)Salvarezza, R.C. Nanoscale. 4(2):531-540
"New insight into the electrochemical desorption of alkanethiol SAMs on gold" (2012) Pensa, E.;Vericat, C.;Grumelli, D. (...)Méndez De Leo, L.P. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 14(35):12355-12367
"A polyelectrolyte-surfactant complex as support layer for membrane functionalization" (2012) Peinetti, A.S.; Méndez De Leo, L.P.; González, G.A.; Battaglini, F. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 386(1):44-50