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Maier, Marta Silvia
"Identification of pyroxene minerals used as black pigments in painted human bones excavated in Northern Patagonia by Raman spectroscopy and XRD" (2015) Tomasini, E.P.;Favier Dubois, C.M.;Little, N.C. (...)Maier, M.S. Microchemical Journal. 121:157-162
"Identification of carbon-based black pigments in four South American polychrome wooden sculptures by Raman microscopy" (2015) Tomasini, E.P.;Gómez, B.;Halac, E.B. (...)Maier, M.S. Heritage Science. 3(1)
"Cytotoxic triterpene glycosides from sea cucumbers" (2015) Careaga, V.P.; Maier, M.S. Handbook of Anticancer Drugs from Marine Origin:515-528