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López Pombo, Carlos Gustavo
"TACO: Efficient SAT-based bounded verification using symmetry breaking and tight bounds" (2013) Galeotti, J.P.; Rosner, N.; Lopez Pombo, C.G.; Frias, M.F. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 39(9):1283-1306
"Satisfiability calculus: The semantic counterpart of a proof calculus in general logics" (2013) Lopez Pombo, C.G.; Castro, P.F.; Aguirre, N.M.; Maibaum, T.S.E. 21st International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques, WADT 2012. 7841 LNCS:195-211
"A categorical approach to structuring and promoting Z specifications" (2013) Castro, P.F.; Aguirre, N.; López Pombo, C.G.; Maibaum, T. 9th International Symposium on Formal Aspects of Component Software, FACS 2012. 7684 LNCS:73-91