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Kitic, Dora
"Theoretical Prediction of the Water Activity of Standard Saturated Salt Solutions at Various Temperatures" (1986) Kitic, D.;Pereira Jardim, D.C.;Favetto, G.J. (...)Chirife, J. Journal of Food Science. 51(4):1037-1041
"Solutions of lithium chloride as reference sources of water activity above 0.6 and between 5°C and 45°C" (1986) Kitic, D.; Resnik, S.L.; Chirife, J. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 19(3):272-274
"Measurement of water activity in the intermediate moisture range with the Novasina Thermoconstanter humidity meter" (1986) Kitic, D.; Favetto, G.J.; Chirife, J.; Resnik, S.L. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 19(4):297-301
"Effectiveness of available filters for an electric hygrometer for measurement of water activity in the food industry" (1986) Pollio, M.L.; Kitic, D.; Favelto, G.J.; Chirife, J. Journal of Food Science. 51(5):1358-1359