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Jobbagy, Matias
"Thermal decomposition of crystalline NiII-CrIII layered double hydroxide: A structural study of the segregation process" (2005) Sileo, E.E.; Jobbágy, M.; Paiva-Santos, C.O.; Regazzoni, A.E. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 109(20):10137-10141
"Cell growth at cavities created inside silica monoliths synthesized by sol-gel" (2005) Perullini, M.; Jobbágy, M.; Soler-Illia, G.J.A.A.; Bilmes, S.A. Chemistry of Materials. 17(15):3806-3808
"Anion-exchange equilibrium and phase segregation in hydrotalcite systems: Intercalation of hexacyanoferrate(III) ions" (2005) Jobbágy, M.; Regazzoni, A.E. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 109(1):389-393