

In spite of its massively parallel architecture [1], the human brain is fundamentally limited if required to perform two tasks at the same time [2, 3]. This limitation can be studied with the psychological refractory period (PRP) paradigm, where two stimuli that require speeded responses occur in close succession [4]. Interference generally takes the form of a delay in the time to respond to the second stimulus [5]. Previous studies suggested that sensory decisions require the accumulation of sensory evidence [6, 7] and that the PRP reflects the inability to form more than one decision at a time [4, 8]. In the present study, we used a psychophysical reverse-correlation technique [9, 10] to measure the time-course of evidence accumulation during the PRP. We found that the accumulation of evidence could occur during the PRP albeit with a reduced efficiency, which implies that multiple decision processes can occur in parallel in the human brain. In addition to the reduced efficiency of evidence accumulation, our results uncover an additional delay in the routing of the decision to motor structures during the PRP, which implies that the process of sensory decision making is separable from the preparation of a motor response [11-13]. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Decision making during the psychological refractory period
Autor:Zylberberg, A.; Ouellette, B.; Sigman, M.; Roelfsema, P.R.
Filiación:Laboratory of Integrative Neuroscience, Physics Department, FCEyN UBA and IFIBA, Conicet, Pabellón 1, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Instituto de Ingeniería Biomédica, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1063 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Department of Vision and Cognition, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Meibergdreef 47, 1105 BA Amsterdam, Netherlands
Department of Integrative Neurophysiology, Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research, VU University, 1081 HV Amsterdam, Netherlands
Psychiatry Department, Academic Medical Center, P.O. Box 75867, 1070 AW Amsterdam, Netherlands
Palabras clave:article; decision making; hearing; human; human experiment; physiology; psychological refractory period; Auditory Perception; Decision Making; Humans; Nontherapeutic Human Experimentation; Refractory Period, Psychological
Página de inicio:1795
Página de fin:1799
Título revista:Current Biology
Título revista abreviado:Curr. Biol.


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---------- APA ----------
Zylberberg, A., Ouellette, B., Sigman, M. & Roelfsema, P.R. (2012) . Decision making during the psychological refractory period. Current Biology, 22(19), 1795-1799.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Zylberberg, A., Ouellette, B., Sigman, M., Roelfsema, P.R. "Decision making during the psychological refractory period" . Current Biology 22, no. 19 (2012) : 1795-1799.
---------- MLA ----------
Zylberberg, A., Ouellette, B., Sigman, M., Roelfsema, P.R. "Decision making during the psychological refractory period" . Current Biology, vol. 22, no. 19, 2012, pp. 1795-1799.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Zylberberg, A., Ouellette, B., Sigman, M., Roelfsema, P.R. Decision making during the psychological refractory period. Curr. Biol. 2012;22(19):1795-1799.