

Documento: Artículo
Título:Recursion and topology on 2≤ω for possibly infinite computations
Autor:Becher, V.; Grigorieff, S.
Filiación:Departamento de Computación, FCEyN, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
LIAFA, Université Paris 7, France
UFR d'Informatique, Universite Paris 7, 2 Place Jussieu, Paris Cedex 05 F-75251, France
Palabras clave:Computer science; Problem solving; Set theory; Theorem proving; Topology; Turing machines; Computable maps; Infinite words; Metric spaces; Computability and decidability
Número:1 SPEC ISS
Página de inicio:85
Página de fin:136
Título revista:Theoretical Computer Science
Título revista abreviado:Theor Comput Sci


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---------- APA ----------
Becher, V. & Grigorieff, S. (2004) . Recursion and topology on 2≤ω for possibly infinite computations. Theoretical Computer Science, 322(1 SPEC ISS), 85-136.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Becher, V., Grigorieff, S. "Recursion and topology on 2≤ω for possibly infinite computations" . Theoretical Computer Science 322, no. 1 SPEC ISS (2004) : 85-136.
---------- MLA ----------
Becher, V., Grigorieff, S. "Recursion and topology on 2≤ω for possibly infinite computations" . Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 322, no. 1 SPEC ISS, 2004, pp. 85-136.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Becher, V., Grigorieff, S. Recursion and topology on 2≤ω for possibly infinite computations. Theor Comput Sci. 2004;322(1 SPEC ISS):85-136.