

This paper discusses the general atmospheric circulation over Patagonia on the basis of the principal palaeoclimate forcings: continental drift, orography, variations in the greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere, evolution of the atmosphere and the oceans, changes in the orbit of the Earth, albedo feedbacks, and the land surface. These processes affect climate on time scales of millions to hundreds of thousands of years. Additionally, orbital forcing has had a major influence on climate during the Quaternary. The palaeo-atmospheric circulation of Patagonia is analyzed for the Early to Late Jurassic, the Cretaceous, the Late Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, the Tortonian-Oligocene cooling, the Pliocene, the Quaternary including the Last Glacial Maximum, the Holocene Optimum, and the last millennium changes. Alternative palaeo-atmospheric circulations from climatic modelling scenarios through the ages are reviewed and compared with proxy data. Detailed and updated reference information on the topics analyzed is also provided. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Atmospheric circulation over Patagonia from the Jurassic to present: A review through proxy data and climatic modelling scenarios
Autor:Compagnucci, R.H.
Filiación:Departamento de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y los Océanos, Universidad de Buenos Aires, FCEyN, DCAO/CONICET, Ciudad Universitaria, Pabellón 2 Piso 2, (1428) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Palaeo-winds; Palaeoclimate; Palaeoclimate forcings; Westerlies; albedo; atmospheric circulation; climate forcing; climate modeling; continental drift; Cretaceous; greenhouse gas; Hypsithermal; Jurassic; Last Glacial Maximum; Oligocene; orbital forcing; orography; paleoatmosphere; paleoclimate; Pliocene; proxy climate record; Tortonian; Patagonia
Página de inicio:229
Página de fin:249
Título revista:Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
Título revista abreviado:Biol. J. Linn. Soc.


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---------- APA ----------
(2011) . Atmospheric circulation over Patagonia from the Jurassic to present: A review through proxy data and climatic modelling scenarios. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 103(2), 229-249.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Compagnucci, R.H. "Atmospheric circulation over Patagonia from the Jurassic to present: A review through proxy data and climatic modelling scenarios" . Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 103, no. 2 (2011) : 229-249.
---------- MLA ----------
Compagnucci, R.H. "Atmospheric circulation over Patagonia from the Jurassic to present: A review through proxy data and climatic modelling scenarios" . Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 103, no. 2, 2011, pp. 229-249.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Compagnucci, R.H. Atmospheric circulation over Patagonia from the Jurassic to present: A review through proxy data and climatic modelling scenarios. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 2011;103(2):229-249.