

We show that any smooth Q-normal lattice polytope P of dimension n and degree d is a strict Cayley polytope if n ≥ 2 d + 1. This gives a sharp answer, for this class of polytopes, to a question raised by V.V. Batyrev and B. Nill. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Classifying smooth lattice polytopes via toric fibrations
Autor:Dickenstein, A.; Di Rocco, S.; Piene, R.
Filiación:Departamento de Matemática, FCEN, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Universitaria - Pab. I, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Department of Mathematics, KTH, SE-10044 Stockholm, Sweden
CMA/Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo, PO Box 1053 Blindern, NO-0316 Oslo, Norway
Palabras clave:Cayley polytope; Lattice polytope; Nef value; Toric fibration; Toric variety
Página de inicio:240
Página de fin:254
Título revista:Advances in Mathematics
Título revista abreviado:Adv. Math.


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---------- APA ----------
Dickenstein, A., Di Rocco, S. & Piene, R. (2009) . Classifying smooth lattice polytopes via toric fibrations. Advances in Mathematics, 222(1), 240-254.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Dickenstein, A., Di Rocco, S., Piene, R. "Classifying smooth lattice polytopes via toric fibrations" . Advances in Mathematics 222, no. 1 (2009) : 240-254.
---------- MLA ----------
Dickenstein, A., Di Rocco, S., Piene, R. "Classifying smooth lattice polytopes via toric fibrations" . Advances in Mathematics, vol. 222, no. 1, 2009, pp. 240-254.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Dickenstein, A., Di Rocco, S., Piene, R. Classifying smooth lattice polytopes via toric fibrations. Adv. Math. 2009;222(1):240-254.