Lista de

"Dynamical evolution of a magnetic cloud from the Sun to 5.4 AU" (2011) Nakwacki, M.S.;Dasso, S.;Démoulin, P. (...)Gulisano, A.M. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 535
"Gravity waves above the Andes detected from GPS radio occultation temperature profiles: Jet mechanism?" (2006) de la Torre, A.;Alexander, P.;Llamedo, P. (...)Wickert, J. Geophysical Research Letters. 33(24)
"Impact of a possible local wind change on the wave climate in the upper Río de la Plata" (2004) Dragani, W.C.; Romero, S.I. International Journal of Climatology. 24(9):1149-1157