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"Heteromerization of PIP aquaporins affects their intrinsic permeability" (2014) Yaneff, A.;Sigaut, L.;Marquez, M. (...)Amodeo, G. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111(1):231-236
"Electric linear dichroism transients of bent DNA fragments" (2013) Umazano, J.P.; Bertolotto, J.A. Journal of Chemical Physics. 138(9)
"Electric linear dichroism transients of bent DNA fragments" (2013) Umazano, J.P.; Bertolotto, J.A. Journal of Chemical Physics. 138(9)
"Aquaporins: Another piece in the osmotic puzzle" (2012) Alleva, K.; Chara, O.; Amodeo, G. FEBS Letters. 586(19):2991-2999
"Anomalies in supercooled NaCl aqueous solutions: A microscopic perspective" (2011) Longinotti, M.P.; Carignano, M.A.; Szleifer, I.; Corti, H.R. Journal of Chemical Physics. 134(24)
"Anomalies in supercooled NaCl aqueous solutions: A microscopic perspective" (2011) Longinotti, M.P.; Carignano, M.A.; Szleifer, I.; Corti, H.R. Journal of Chemical Physics. 134(24)
"Natural variation of root hydraulics in Arabidopsis grown in normal and salt-stressed conditions" (2011) Sutka, M.;Li, G.;Boudet, J. (...)Maurel, C. Plant Physiology. 155(3):1264-1276
"Natural variation of root hydraulics in Arabidopsis grown in normal and salt-stressed conditions" (2011) Sutka, M.;Li, G.;Boudet, J. (...)Maurel, C. Plant Physiology. 155(3):1264-1276
"Cloning, functional characterization, and co-expression studies of a novel aquaporin (FaPIP2;1) of strawberry fruit" (2010) Alleva, K.;Marquez, M.;Villarreal, N. (...)Amodeo, G. Journal of Experimental Botany. 61(14):3935-3945
"Cloning, functional characterization, and co-expression studies of a novel aquaporin (FaPIP2;1) of strawberry fruit" (2010) Alleva, K.;Marquez, M.;Villarreal, N. (...)Amodeo, G. Journal of Experimental Botany. 61(14):3935-3945
"Cloning, functional characterization, and co-expression studies of a novel aquaporin (FaPIP2;1) of strawberry fruit" (2010) Alleva, K.;Marquez, M.;Villarreal, N. (...)Amodeo, G. Journal of Experimental Botany. 61(14):3935-3945
"Water relations of Chusquea ramosissima and Merostachys claussenii in Iguazu National Park, Argentina" (2009) Saha, S.;Holbrook, N.M.;Montti, L. (...)Cardinot, G.K. Plant Physiology. 149(4):1992-1999
"Water relations of Chusquea ramosissima and Merostachys claussenii in Iguazu National Park, Argentina" (2009) Saha, S.;Holbrook, N.M.;Montti, L. (...)Cardinot, G.K. Plant Physiology. 149(4):1992-1999
"Structural and functional properties of hydration and confined water in membrane interfaces" (2008) Disalvo, E.A.;Lairion, F.;Martini, F. (...)Gordillo, G.J. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes. 1778(12):2655-2670
"Structural and functional properties of hydration and confined water in membrane interfaces" (2008) Disalvo, E.A.;Lairion, F.;Martini, F. (...)Gordillo, G.J. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes. 1778(12):2655-2670
"AtTIP1;3 and AtTIP5;1, the only highly expressed Arabidopsis pollen-specific aquaporins, transport water and urea" (2008) Soto, G.;Alleva, K.;Mazzella, M.A. (...)Muschietti, J.P. FEBS Letters. 582(29):4077-4082
"Effects of trehalose on the phase behavior of DPPC-cholesterol unilamellar vesicles" (2006) Ohtake, S.; Schebor, C.; de Pablo, J.J. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes. 1758(1):65-73
"Classical molecular-dynamics simulation of the hydroxyl radical in water" (2005) Campo, M.G.; Grigera, J.R. Journal of Chemical Physics. 123(8)
"Development of β-Lapachone prodrugs for therapy against human cancer cells with elevated NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 levels" (2005) Reinicke, K.E.;Bey, E.A.;Bentle, M.S. (...)Boothman, D.A. Clinical Cancer Research. 11(8):3055-3064
"Effect of water activity and pH on growth and toxin production by Clostridium botulinum type G" (1986) Briozzo, J.; Amato de Lagarde, E.; Chirife, J.; Parada, J.L. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 51(4):844-848
"Effect of water activity and pH on growth and toxin production by Clostridium botulinum type G" (1986) Briozzo, J.; Amato de Lagarde, E.; Chirife, J.; Parada, J.L. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 51(4):844-848