Lista de

"Breeding biology and conservation of the Marsh Seedeater Sporophila palustris" (2013) Vizentin-Bugoni, J.;Areta, J.I.;Di Giacomo, A.G. (...)Dias, R.A. Bird Conservation International. 23(2):147-158
"Construction of a daily precipitation grid for southeastern South America for the period 1961-2000" (2013) Jones, P.D.;Lister, D.H.;Harpham, C. (...)Penalba, O. International Journal of Climatology. 33(11):2508-2519
"Attribution of the river flow growth in the Plata Basin" (2011) Doyle, M.E.; Barros, V.R. International Journal of Climatology. 31(15):2234-2248
"Hydrodynamic numerical simulation at the mouths of the Parana and Uruguay rivers and the upper Rio de la Plata estuary: A realistic boundary condition" (2011) Prario, B.E.; Dragani, W.; Mediavilla, D.G.; D'Onofrio, E. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 35(11):5265-5275
"Paleoclimatic evidence in duricrust, paleosoils and siliciclastic deposit of the Cenozonic of Uruguay " (2009) Tófalo, O.R.; Morrás, H.J.M. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 65(4):674-686
"Variability and trends in indices of quality-controlled daily temperature extremes in Uruguay" (2008) Rusticucci, M.; Renom, M. International Journal of Climatology. 28(8):1083-1095