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transcription initiation
"MageA2 restrains cellular senescence by targeting the function of PMLIV/p53 axis at the PML-NBs" (2012) Peche, L.Y.;Scolz, M.;Ladelfa, M.F. (...)Schneider, C. Cell Death and Differentiation. 19(6):926-936
"A marr-type regulator directly activates transcription from the Brucella abortus virB promoter by sharing a redundant role with HutC" (2012) Sieira, R.;Arocena, G.M.;Zorreguieta, A. (...)Ugalde, R.A. Journal of Bacteriology. 194(23):6431-6440
"Reconsolidation or extinction: Transcription factor switch in the determination of memory course after retrieval" (2011) de la Fuente, V.; Freudenthal, R.; Romano, A. Journal of Neuroscience. 31(15):5562-5573
"Subcellular rearrangement of hsp90-binding immunophilins accompanies neuronal differentiation and neurite outgrowth" (2010) Quintá, H.R.;Maschi, D.;Gomez-Sanchez, C. (...)Galigniana, M.D. Journal of Neurochemistry. 115(3):716-734
"Bone morphogenetic protein-4 inhibits corticotroph tumor cells: Involvement in the retinoic acid inhibitory action" (2006) Giacomini, D.;Páez-Pereda, M.;Theodoropoulou, M. (...)Arzt, E. Endocrinology. 147(1):247-256
"Melatonin inhibits glucocorticoid receptor nuclear translocation in mouse thymocytes" (2006) Presman, D.M.;Hoijman, E.;Ceballos, N.R. (...)Pecci, A. Endocrinology. 147(11):5452-5459
"Regulation of alternative splicing by a transcriptional enhancer through RNA pol II elongation" (2002) Kadener, S.; Fededa, J.P.; Rosbash, M.; Kornblihtt, A.R. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 99(12):8185-8190