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temporal variation
"Inter-annual and inter-decadal variability of dry days in Argentina" (2013) Rivera, J.A.; Penalba, O.C.; Betolli, M.L. International Journal of Climatology. 33(4):834-842
"Variability and trends of heating degree-days in Argentina" (2013) Castañeda, M.E.; Claus, F. International Journal of Climatology. 33(10):2352-2361
"The plankton communities from peat bog pools: Structure, temporal variation and environmental factors" (2013) Victoria Quiroga, M.;Unrein, F.;Garraza, G.G. (...)Mataloni, G. Journal of Plankton Research. 35(6):1234-1253
"Recent developments on the South American monsoon system" (2012) Marengo, J.A.;Liebmann, B.;Grimm, A.M. (...)Alves, L.M. International Journal of Climatology. 32(1):1-21
"Variability and trends in indices of quality-controlled daily temperature extremes in Uruguay" (2008) Rusticucci, M.; Renom, M. International Journal of Climatology. 28(8):1083-1095
"Granivore impact on soil-seed reserves in the central Monte desert, Argentina" (1998) Marone, L.; Rossi, B.E.; De Casenave, J.L. Functional Ecology. 12(4):640-645