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species diversity
"Methoprene treatment reduces the pre-copulatory period in Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) sterile males" (2013) Segura, D.F.;Utgés, M.E.;Liendo, M.C. (...)Cladera, J.L. Journal of Applied Entomology. 137(SUPPL1):19-29
"Dissimilarity in plant species diversity between salt marsh and neighboring environments decreases as environmental harshness increases" (2013) Canepuccia, A.D.;Pérez, C.F.;Farina, J.L. (...)Iribarne, O.O. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 494:135-148
"A new species and new records of Cercophora from argentina" (2011) Catania, M.D.V.; Romero, A.I.; Huhndorf, S.M.; Miller, A.N. Mycologia. 103(6):1372-1383
"Wing morphology and fluctuating asymmetry depend on the host plant in cactophilic Drosophila" (2008) Soto, I.M.; Carreira, V.P.; Soto, E.M.; Hasson, E. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 21(2):598-609