Lista de

species difference
"Evolution of morphological traits in Verbenaceae" (2012) O'Leary, N.;Calviño, C.I.;Martínez, S. (...)Múlgura, M.E. American Journal of Botany. 99(11):1778-1792
"Calcium imaging in the ant Camponotus fellah reveals a conserved odour-similarity space in insects and mammals" (2010) Dupuy, F.; Josens, R.; Giurfa, M.; Sandoz, J.-C. BMC Neuroscience. 11
"Cytogenetic analysis of three species of Pseudacteon (Diptera, Phoridae) parasitoids of the fire ants using standard and molecular techniques" (2009) Chirino, M.G.;Folgarait, P.J.;Gilbert, L.E. (...)Papeschi, A.G. Genetics and Molecular Biology. 32(4):740-747
"Geastrum episcopale: A new noticeable species with red-violet exoperidium" (2009) Kuhar, F.; Papinutti, L. Mycologia. 101(4):535-538
"Differential reproductive success favours strong host preference in a highly specialized brood parasite" (2008) De Mársico, M.C.; Reboreda, J.C. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 275(1650):2499-2506
"Hoverfly (syrphidae) communities respond to varying structural retention after harvesting in Canadian peatland black spruce forests" (2007) Deans, A.M.;Smith, S.M.;Malcolm, J.R. (...)Bellocq, M.I. Environmental Entomology. 36(2):308-318
"Patterns of variation in wing morphology in the cactophilic Drosophila buzzatii and its sibling D. koepferae" (2006) Carreira, V.P.; Soto, I.M.; Hasson, E.; Fanara, J. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 19(4):1275-1282
"Characterization of the biosynthesis of beta(1-2) cyclic glucan in R. Fredii. Beta(1-2) glucan has no apparent role in nodule invasion of Mc Call and Peking soybean cultivars." (1996) Iñón de Iannino, N.; Briones, G.; Kreiman, G.; Ugalde, R. Cellular and molecular biology (Noisy-le-Grand, France). 42(5):617-629
"Life history studies of heterophyid trematodes in the Neotropical region: Ascocotyle (Leighia) hadra sp. n." (1992) Ostrowski de Nunez, M. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 87(4):539-543