Lista de

spatiotemporal analysis
"Downscaling extreme month-long anomalies in southern South America" (2010) Menéndez, C.G.;de Castro, M.;Boulanger, J.-P. (...)Teichmann, C. Climatic Change. 98(3):379-403
"The spatial and Temporal Behaviour of the Lower Stratospheric Temperature Over the Southern Hemisphere: The MSU view. Part II: Spatial Behaviour" (2001) Compagnucci, R.H.; Salles, M.A.; Canziani, P.O. International Journal of Climatology. 21(4):439-454
"Relationship between ENSO cycles and frost events within the Pampa Humeda region" (2000) Müller, G.V.; Nuñez, M.N.; Seluchi, M.E. International Journal of Climatology. 20(13):1619-1637