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Shock waves
"Morphological evidence for azimuthal variations of the cosmic-ray ion acceleration at the blast wave of SN 1006" (2008) Cassam-Chenai, G.;Hughes, J.P.;Reynoso, E.M. (...)Moffett, D. Astrophysical Journal. 680(2):1180-1197
"Simulated X-ray emission for a runaway model of Kepler's supernova remnant" (2006) Velázquez, P.F.;Vigh, C.D.;Reynoso, E.M. (...)Schneiter, E.M. Astrophysical Journal. 649(2):779-787
"Jet/cloud collision, 3D gasdynamic simulations of HH 110" (2002) Raga, A.C.;De Gouveia Dal Pino, E.M.;Noriega-Crespo, A. (...)Velázquez, P.F. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 392(1):267-276
"Jet/cloud collision, 3D gasdynamic simulations of HH 110" (2002) Raga, A.C.;De Gouveia Dal Pino, E.M.;Noriega-Crespo, A. (...)Velázquez, P.F. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 392(1):267-276