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Sun: flares
"Evolution of spinning and braiding helicity fluxes in solar active region NOAA 10930" (2011) Ravindra, B.; Yoshimura, K.; Dasso, S. Astrophysical Journal. 743(1)
"Lack of universality in mhd turbulence, and the possible emergence of a new paradigm?" (2010) Pouquet, A.;Brachet, M.-E.;Lee, E. (...)Uritsky, V. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 6(S271):304-316
"Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence of coronal active regions and the distribution of nanoflares" (1998) Dmitruk, P.; Gómez, D.O.; Deluca, E.E. Astrophysical Journal. 505(2):974-983
"Turbulent coronal heating and the distribution of nanoflares" (1997) Dmitruk, P.; Gómez, D.O. Astrophysical Journal. 484(1):L83-L86