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RNA polymerase II
"Multigene phylogenetic analyses of the Thelonectria coronata and T. veuillotiana species complexes" (2012) Salgado-Salazar, C.;Rossman, A.;Samuels, G.J. (...)Chaverri, P. Mycologia. 104(6):1325-1350
"Multigene phylogenetic analyses of the Thelonectria coronata and T. veuillotiana species complexes" (2012) Salgado-Salazar, C.;Rossman, A.;Samuels, G.J. (...)Chaverri, P. Mycologia. 104(6):1325-1350
"Chromatin and alternative splicing" (2010) Alló, M.;Schor, I.E.;Muñoz, M.J. (...)Kornblihtt, A.R. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology. 75:103-111
"Identification of the cellular targets of the transcription factor TCERG1 reveals a prevalent role in mrna processing" (2008) Pearson, J.L.;Robinson, T.J.;Muñoz, M.J. (...)Garcia-Blanco, M.A. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283(12):7949-7961
"Glucocorticoids repress bcl-X expression in lymphoid cells by recruiting STAT5B to the P4 promoter" (2006) Rocha-Viegas, L.;Vicent, G.P.;Barañao, J.L. (...)Pecci, A. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 281(45):33959-33970
"Glucocorticoids repress bcl-X expression in lymphoid cells by recruiting STAT5B to the P4 promoter" (2006) Rocha-Viegas, L.;Vicent, G.P.;Barañao, J.L. (...)Pecci, A. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 281(45):33959-33970
"A polar mechanism coordinates different regions of alternative splicing within a single gene" (2005) Fededa, J.P.;Petrillo, E.;Gelfand, M.S. (...)Kornblihtt, A.R. Molecular Cell. 19(3):393-404
"A slow RNA polymerase II affects alternative splicing in vivo" (2003) De La Mata, M.;Alonso, C.R.;Kadener, S. (...)Kornblihtt, A.R. Molecular Cell. 12(2):525-532
"Control of alternative pre-mRNA splicing by RNA pol II elongation: Faster is not always better" (2003) Nogués, G.;Kadener, S.;Cramer, P. (...)Kornblihtt, A.R. IUBMB Life. 55(4-5):235-241
"Control of alternative pre-mRNA splicing by RNA pol II elongation: Faster is not always better" (2003) Nogués, G.;Kadener, S.;Cramer, P. (...)Kornblihtt, A.R. IUBMB Life. 55(4-5):235-241
"Regulation of alternative splicing by a transcriptional enhancer through RNA pol II elongation" (2002) Kadener, S.; Fededa, J.P.; Rosbash, M.; Kornblihtt, A.R. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 99(12):8185-8190
"Regulation of alternative splicing by a transcriptional enhancer through RNA pol II elongation" (2002) Kadener, S.; Fededa, J.P.; Rosbash, M.; Kornblihtt, A.R. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 99(12):8185-8190
"Coordination between transcription and pre-mRNA processing" (2001) Cramer, P.;Srebrow, A.;Kadener, S. (...)Kornblihtt, A.R. FEBS Letters. 498(2-3):179-182
"Coordination between transcription and pre-mRNA processing" (2001) Cramer, P.;Srebrow, A.;Kadener, S. (...)Kornblihtt, A.R. FEBS Letters. 498(2-3):179-182
"Coordination between transcription and pre-mRNA processing" (2001) Cramer, P.;Srebrow, A.;Kadener, S. (...)Kornblihtt, A.R. FEBS Letters. 498(2-3):179-182