Lista de

"Breeding biology and conservation of the Marsh Seedeater Sporophila palustris" (2013) Vizentin-Bugoni, J.;Areta, J.I.;Di Giacomo, A.G. (...)Dias, R.A. Bird Conservation International. 23(2):147-158
"Water relations of Chusquea ramosissima and Merostachys claussenii in Iguazu National Park, Argentina" (2009) Saha, S.;Holbrook, N.M.;Montti, L. (...)Cardinot, G.K. Plant Physiology. 149(4):1992-1999
"Water relations of Chusquea ramosissima and Merostachys claussenii in Iguazu National Park, Argentina" (2009) Saha, S.;Holbrook, N.M.;Montti, L. (...)Cardinot, G.K. Plant Physiology. 149(4):1992-1999
"Water relations of Chusquea ramosissima and Merostachys claussenii in Iguazu National Park, Argentina" (2009) Saha, S.;Holbrook, N.M.;Montti, L. (...)Cardinot, G.K. Plant Physiology. 149(4):1992-1999
"Expression analysis of a GA 20-oxidase in embryos from two sorghum lines with contrasting dormancy: Possible participation of this gene in the hormonal control of germination" (2003) Pérez-Flores, L.;Carrari, F.;Osuna-Fernández, R. (...)Benech-Arnold, R.L. Journal of Experimental Botany. 54(390):2071-2079
"Genome size and environmental correlations in maize (Zea mays ssp. mays, Poaceae)" (1998) Poggio, L.; Rosato, M.; Chiavarino, A.M.; Naranjo, C.A. Annals of Botany. 82(SUPPL A):107-115
"Localization of the genes controlling B chromosome transmission rate in maize (Zea mays ssp. mays, Poaceae)" (1998) Chiavarino, A.M.;Rosato, M.;Rosi, P. (...)Naranjo, C.A. American Journal of Botany. 85(11):1581-1585
"Genome size and numerical polymorphism for the B chromosome in races of maize (Zea mays ssp. mays, Poaceae)" (1998) Rosato, M.;Chiavarino, A.M.;Naranjo, C.A. (...)Poggio, L. American Journal of Botany. 85(2):168-174