Lista de

Protein Subunits
"Phylogenetic differences in calcium permeability of the auditory hair cell cholinergic nicotinic receptor" (2012) Lipovsek, M.;Im, G.J.;Franchini, L.F. (...)Elgoyhen, A.B. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109(11):4308-4313
"Structure of Yeast Regulatory Subunit: A Glimpse into the Evolution of PKA Signaling" (2010) Rinaldi, J.;Wu, J.;Yang, J. (...)Taylor, S.S. Structure. 18(11):1471-1482
"A subunit of protein kinase a regulates growth and differentiation in the fungus mucor circinelloides" (2009) Ocampo, J.;Nuñez, L.F.;Silva, F. (...)Rossi, S. Eukaryotic Cell. 8(7):933-944
"Ryanodine is a positive modulator of acetylcholine receptor gating in cochlear hair cells" (2007) Zorrilla De San Martín, J.;Ballestero, J.;Katz, E. (...)Fuchs, P.A. JARO - Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology. 8(4):474-483
"Developmental regulation of nicotinic synapses on cochlear inner hair cells" (2004) Katz, E.;Elgoyhen, A.B.;Gómez-Casati, M.E. (...)Glowatzki, E. Journal of Neuroscience. 24(36):7814-7820
"Linopirdine blocks α9α10-containing nicotinic cholinergic receptors of cochlear hair cells" (2004) Gomez-Casati, M.E.;Katz, E.;Glowatzki, E. (...)Elgoyhen, A.B. JARO - Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology. 5(3):261-269
"Functional compensation of P/Q by N-type channels blocks short-term plasticity at the calyx of Held presynaptic terminal" (2004) González Inchauspe, C.; Martini, F.J.; Forsythe, I.D.; Uchitel, O.D. Journal of Neuroscience. 24(46):10379-10383