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"Botrytis cinerea manipulates the antagonistic effects between immune pathways to promote disease development in Tomato" (2011) El-Oirdi, M.;El-Rahman, T.A.;Rigano, L. (...)Bouarab, K. Plant Cell. 23(6):2405-2421
"Junín virus infection impairs stress-granule formation in Vero cells treated with arsenite via inhibition of eiF2α phosphorylation" (2011) Linero, F.N.; Thomas, M.G.; Boccaccio, G.L.; Scolaro, L.A. Journal of General Virology. 92(12):2889-2899
"Interplay between two RND systems mediating antimicrobial resistance in brucella suis" (2009) Martin, F.A.;Posadas, D.M.;Carrica, M.C. (...)Zorreguieta, A. Journal of Bacteriology. 191(8):2530-2540
"Xanthan induces plant susceptibility by suppressing callose deposition" (2006) Yun, M.H.;Torres, P.S.;El Oirdi, M. (...)Vojnov, A.A. Plant Physiology. 141(1):178-187
"Integration host factor is involved in transcriptional regulation of the Brucella abortus virB operon" (2004) Sieira, R.; Comerci, D.J.; Pietrasanta, L.I.; Ugalde, R.A. Molecular Microbiology. 54(3):808-822