Lista de

"Evolution of morphological traits in Verbenaceae" (2012) O'Leary, N.;Calviño, C.I.;Martínez, S. (...)Múlgura, M.E. American Journal of Botany. 99(11):1778-1792
"Evolution of morphological traits in Verbenaceae" (2012) O'Leary, N.;Calviño, C.I.;Martínez, S. (...)Múlgura, M.E. American Journal of Botany. 99(11):1778-1792
"Remarks on an optimization problem for the p-Laplacian" (2010) Del Pezzo, L.M.; Fernández Bonder, J. Applied Mathematics Letters. 23(2):188-192
"Remarks on an optimization problem for the p-Laplacian" (2010) Del Pezzo, L.M.; Fernández Bonder, J. Applied Mathematics Letters. 23(2):188-192
"New chromosome reports in the subtribes Diocleinae and Glycininae (Phaseoleae: Papilionoideae: Fabaceae)" (2008) Espert, S.M.;Sede, S.M.;Ruiz, L.K. (...)Poggio, L. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 158(2):336-341
"New chromosome reports in the subtribes Diocleinae and Glycininae (Phaseoleae: Papilionoideae: Fabaceae)" (2008) Espert, S.M.;Sede, S.M.;Ruiz, L.K. (...)Poggio, L. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 158(2):336-341
"Effective hard x-ray spectrum of a tabletop Mather-type plasma focus optimized for flash radiography of metallic objects" (2007) Raspa, V.; Moreno, C.; Sigaut, L.; Clausse, A. Journal of Applied Physics. 102(12)
"On the combinatorial structure of chromatic scheduling polytopes" (2006) Marenco, J.; Wagler, A. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 154(13 SPEC ISS):1865-1876
"Thermal treatment of the minority game" (2002) Burgos, E.; Ceva, H.; Perazzo, R.P.J. Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 65(3)