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"Phylogenetic differences in calcium permeability of the auditory hair cell cholinergic nicotinic receptor" (2012) Lipovsek, M.;Im, G.J.;Franchini, L.F. (...)Elgoyhen, A.B. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109(11):4308-4313
"Brain modularity in arthropods: Individual neurons that support "what" but not "where" memories" (2011) Sztarker, J.; Tomsic, D. Journal of Neuroscience. 31(22):8175-8180
"Altered properties of quantal neurotransmitter release at endplates of mice lacking P/Q-type Ca2+ channels" (2003) Urbano, F.J.;Piedras-Rentería, E.S.;Jun, K. (...)Tsien, R.W. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 100(6):3491-3496
"Coactivation of motoneurons regulated by a network combining electrical and chemical synapses" (2003) Rela, L.; Szczupak, L. Journal of Neuroscience. 23(2):682-692