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Neuquen Basin
"Late Cretaceous uplift in the Malargüe fold-and-thrust belt (35oS), southern Central Andes of Argentina and Chile " (2013) Mescua, J.F.; Giambiagi, L.B.; Ramos, V.A. Andean Geology. 40(1):102-116
"Horizontal stress Field evolution from Eocene to present in Neuquen Basin " (2011) Guzmán, C.G.;Cristallini, E.O.;García, V.H. (...)Bechis, F. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 68(4):542-554
"Crustacean microcoprolites from the Upper Jurassic-lower cretaceous of the Neuqun Basin, Argentina: Systematics and biostratigraphic implications" (2010) Kietzmann, D.A.; Blau, J.; Fernández, D.E.; Palma, R.M. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 55(2):277-284
"Life and Works of Charles Edwin Weaver (1880-1958) and his tenure in the Neuquen Basin in the 20s " (2009) Lazo, D.G. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 65(2):241-247
"Micropaleontology of the Agrio Formation (Lower Cretaceous) in different areas of the Neuquén Basin " (2009) Concheyro, A.; Lescano, M.; Caramés, A.; Ballent, S. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 65(2):342-361
"Integrated biostratigraphy of the Agrio Formation in its type locality, Early Cretaceous of the Neuquén Basin " (2009) Lazo, D.G.;Concheyro, G.A.;Ottone, E.G. (...)Aguirre-Urreta, B. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 65(2):322-341
"Stratigraphy and structure of the río Borbollón area, Mendoza " (2009) Mescua, J.F.; Ramos, V.A. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 65(1):111-122
"The Cretaceous flora of the Neuquén Basin, its paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic significance " (2009) Ottone, E.G. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 65(2):373-386
"Ichnological synthesis of the marine units of the Neuquén Basin, new data and future perspectives " (2009) Pazos, P.J. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 65(2):362-372
"Stratigraphy of the central sector of the Loncopué Trough: The Quaternary depocenter of the Huecú (Western sector of the Neuquén basin) " (2009) Rojas Vera, E.A.; Folguera, A.; Ramos, V.A. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 65(2):400-412
"Triassic-Jurassic development and evolution of the Atuel depocentre, Neuquén basin, Mendoza province " (2008) Giambiagi, L.;Bechis, F.;Lanés, S. (...)Mescua, J. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 63(4):520-533
"Sedimentology, ciclostratigraphy and sequence analysis of the La Manga Formation (Osfordian), Bardas Blancas, Mendoza " (2008) Piethé, R.D.; Palma, R.M. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 63(4):682-695
"Extensional tectonic evidences in the upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) in south-western Mendoza province " (2008) Mescua, J.F.; Giambiagi, L.B.; Bechis, F. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 63(4):512-519
"Subtropical carbonates from the Callovian Calabozo Formation, and their diagenesis, Neuquen Basin, Mendoza province " (2007) Palma, R.M.; Mehdli, M.; Bressan, G.S.; Kietzmann, D.A. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 62(2)
"The Copahue-Pino Hachado high and the Loncopuè trough: An episodic tectonic behaviour, Neuquén Andes (37°-39°S) " (2005) Morabito, E.G.; Folguera, A. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 60(4):742-761
"Petrology and geochemistry of a limestone-marl rhythmite from the Southern Hemisphere: The Los Catutos Member (Vaca Muerta Formation). Middle Tithonian of Neuquén Basin " (2002) Scasso, R.A.;Alonso, M.S.;Lanés, S. (...)Lippai, H. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 57(2):143-159