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Neoplasm Proteins
"MageA2 restrains cellular senescence by targeting the function of PMLIV/p53 axis at the PML-NBs" (2012) Peche, L.Y.;Scolz, M.;Ladelfa, M.F. (...)Schneider, C. Cell Death and Differentiation. 19(6):926-936
"Galectin-1: Biphasic growth regulation of Leydig tumor cells" (2006) Biron, V.A.;Iglesias, M.;Troncoso, M.F. (...)Wolfenstein-Todel, C. Glycobiology. 16(9):810-821
"Human p8 Is a HMG-I/Y-like Protein with DNA Binding Activity Enhanced by Phosphorylation" (2001) Encinar, J.A.;Mallo, G.V.;Mizyrycki, C. (...)Iovanna, J.L. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 276(4):2742-2751
"Retinoic acid stimulates meningioma cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix and inhibits invasion" (1999) Páez Pereda, M.;Hopfner, U.;Pagotto, U. (...)Stalla, G.K. British Journal of Cancer. 81(3):381-386