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Magnetic Resonance Imaging
"Neural Correlates of Musical Creativity: Differences between High and Low Creative Subjects" (2013) Villarreal, M.F.;Cerquetti, D.;Caruso, S. (...)Leiguarda, R.C. PLoS ONE. 8(9)
"Diffusion maps clustering for magnetic resonance Q-ball imaging segmentation" (2008) Wassermann, D.; Descoteaux, M.; Deriche, R. International Journal of Biomedical Imaging. 2008(1)
"Retinoic acid as a novel medical therapy for Cushing's disease in dogs" (2006) Castillo, V.;Giacomini, D.;Páez-Pereda, M. (...)Arzt, E. Endocrinology. 147(9):4438-4444