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Magnetic moments
"Seniority number in spin-adapted spaces and compactness of configuration interaction wave functions" (2013) Alcoba, D.R.;Torre, A.;Lain, L. (...)Oña, O.B. Journal of Chemical Physics. 139(8)
"Atomic partition of the optical rotatory power of methylhydroperoxide" (2008) Sánchez, M.;Ferraro, M.B.;Alkorta, I. (...)Sauer, S.P.A. Journal of Chemical Physics. 128(6)
"Interplanetary flux rope ejected from an X-ray bright point. The smallest magnetic cloud source-region ever observed" (2005) Mandrini, C.H.;Pohjolainen, S.;Dasso, S. (...)Foley, C. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 434(2):725-740
"Relativistic effects on nuclear magnetic shielding constants in HX and CH 3X(X=Br,l) based on the linear response within the elimination of small component approach" (2004) Melo, J.I.;Ruiz De Azua, M.C.;Giribet, C.G. (...)Provasi, P.F. Journal of Chemical Physics. 121(14):6798-6808