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Microscopy, Electron
"Host Cell Poly(ADP-Ribose) Glycohydrolase Is Crucial for Trypanosoma cruzi Infection Cycle" (2013) Vilchez Larrea, S.C.;Schlesinger, M.;Kevorkian, M.L. (...)Fernández Villamil, S.H. PLoS ONE. 8(6)
"Dermatan sulfate synergizes with heparin in murine sperm chromatin decondensation" (2013) Sanchez, M.C.;Alvarez Sedo, C.;Julianelli, V.L. (...)Fontana, V.A. Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine. 59(2):82-90
"Cell wall modifications during osmotic stress in Lactobacillus casei" (2005) Piuri, M.; Sanchez-Rivas, C.; Ruzal, S.M. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 98(1):84-95
"The Postembryonic Development of the Ocellar System of Triatoma infestans Klug (Heteroptera: Reduviidae)" (2000) Insausti, T.C.; Lazzari, C.R. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 95(6):877-881
"Olfactory mucosa of the South American armadillo Chaetophractus villosus: An ultrastructural study" (1998) Ferrari, C.C.; Aldana Marcos, H.J.; Carmanchahi, P.D.; Affanni, J.M. Anatomical Record. 252(3):325-339
"Characterization of the biosynthesis of beta(1-2) cyclic glucan in R. Fredii. Beta(1-2) glucan has no apparent role in nodule invasion of Mc Call and Peking soybean cultivars." (1996) Iñón de Iannino, N.; Briones, G.; Kreiman, G.; Ugalde, R. Cellular and molecular biology (Noisy-le-Grand, France). 42(5):617-629