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membrane protein
"Heteromerization of PIP aquaporins affects their intrinsic permeability" (2014) Yaneff, A.;Sigaut, L.;Marquez, M. (...)Amodeo, G. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111(1):231-236
"A two-stage model for lipid modulation of the activity of integral membrane proteins" (2012) Dodes Traian, M.M.; Cattoni, D.I.; Levi, V.; González Flecha, F.L. PLoS ONE. 7(6)
"Manipulation of the anoxic metabolism in escherichia coli by ArcB deletion variants in the ArcBA two-component system" (2012) Bidart, G.N.;Ruiz, J.A.;de Almeida, A. (...)Nikel, P.I. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 78(24):8784-8794
"Confocal fluorescence anisotropy and FRAP imaging of α-synuclein amyloid aggregates in living cells" (2011) Roberti, M.J.; Jovin, T.M.; Jares-Erijman, E. PLoS ONE. 6(8)
"Intercellular coupling regulates the period of the segmentation clock" (2010) Herrgen, L.;Ares, S.;Morelli, L.G. (...)Oates, A.C. Current Biology. 20(14):1244-1253
"The role of deadenylation in the degradation of unstable mRNAs in trypanosomes" (2009) Schwede, A.;Manful, T.;Jha, B.A. (...)Clayton, C. Nucleic Acids Research. 37(16):5511-5528