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Mathematical operators
"The clique operator on circular-arc graphs" (2010) Lin, M.C.; Soulignac, F.J.; Szwarcfiter, J.L. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 158(12):1259-1267
"Relativistic two-component geometric approximation of the electron-positron contribution to magnetic properties in terms of Breit-Pauli spinors" (2009) Zaccari, D.; Melo, J.I.; Ruiz De Azúa, M.C.; Giribet, C.G. Journal of Chemical Physics. 130(8)
"Stability and mode analysis of solar coronal loops using thermodynamic irreversible energy principles" (2006) Costa, A.; González, R. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 458(3):953-963
"Formal relations connecting different approaches to calculate relativistic effects on molecular magnetic properties" (2006) Zaccari, D.G.; De Azúa, M.C.R.; Melo, J.I.; Giribet, C.G. Journal of Chemical Physics. 124(5)
"Mean field linear response within the elimination of the small component formalism to evaluate relativistic effects on magnetic properties" (2006) Roura, P.G.; Melo, J.I.; De Ruiz Azúa, M.C.; Giribet, C.G. Journal of Chemical Physics. 125(6)
"Relativistic effects on nuclear magnetic shielding constants in HX and CH 3X(X=Br,l) based on the linear response within the elimination of small component approach" (2004) Melo, J.I.;Ruiz De Azua, M.C.;Giribet, C.G. (...)Provasi, P.F. Journal of Chemical Physics. 121(14):6798-6808
"On implicative closure operators in approximate reasoning" (2003) Rodríguez, R.O.; Esteva, F.; Garcia, P.; Godo, L. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 33(2):159-184
"Fractal block-coding: A functional approach for image and signal processing" (2002) Cabrelli, C.A.; Falsetti, M.C.; Molter, U.M. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 44(8-9):1183-1200
"On improving backwards verification of timed automata (extended abstract)" (2002) Braberman, V.; López Pombo, C.; Olivero, A. Theory and Practice of Timed Systems (Satellite Event of ETAPS 2002). 65(6):60-67